Beauty Salon Moto CMS 3 Template

Melissa & Lauren - Beauty Salon Responsive Premium Moto CMS 3 Template New Screenshots BIG

Price : $229 NULLED

Melissa & Lauren is a premium quality responsive Moto CMS 3 template for beauty and spa salons equipped with the most cutting-edge web technologies and adorned with a top-notch design. Its imagery is improved by parallax scrolling effect, which adds motion to your website, while the stick-to top menu ensures convenient, user-friendly navigation. At your disposal there are tons of pre-designed pages, forms and widgets, so that you can enhance your web page with additional functionality. The typography of this template is powered by hundreds of beautiful, readability-focused Google Fonts, which allow for creating unlimited font combinations and provide true flexibility in customizing your website. Melissa & Lauren is SEO-optimized and fully compatible with all modern browsers.

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