Wedding Day Essentials PrestaShop Theme #52575

Wedding Day Essentials PrestaShop Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $139 NULLED

Wedding is the most exciting and long awaited event for every couple, which requires thorough preparation. So, every minor detail should make it magic and unforgettable. Its easy to miss something on the hop. In order for this not to happen, we offer you to consider this theme for dressing up a wedding store, where all the essentials would be kept in one place. Once reaching it, the young marrieds will be introduced to the full range of crucial items they would need on their special day. Vibrant coral hues add a sense of festivity to this design, helping the viewers to concentrate on the things that matter. Comfortable organization of content blocks as well as the possibility to filter items the way one wishes makes the template even more usable. You can help couples with organization of their festivity by means of this theme.

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