Price : $20 NULLED
This template will give you a lot of benefits. Both in terms of design and easy to use the templates, because it is completely with PowerPoint, without using other design software.
Obtaided in Packages
- Total 100+ Slides
- 2 Files Total
- XML Files (Custom Ms. Office Theme Colors)
- Help Guide File
Main Features
- 50+ Unique Slides
- 20 XML Files Ms Office Theme Colors
- Modern Icon Pack
- Based on Master Slides
- 64+ Master Slide Layouts (Light and Dark Version)
- 16:9 Aspect Ratio
- Handmade Infographic
- Section Breaks Slides
- Price Table
- Light & Dark Version
- Dark and Drop Ready
- Free Support
Font Used
- Aleo
- Calibri (There is a default on your OS)
All Images used in this template are not included. If you want to use the images, check the url in Help Guide.pdf