Car Parts PrestaShop Theme

Autorepair - Car Parts PrestaShop Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $139 NULLED

The theme is a perfect fit for car and bike spares stores. Its professional design and eye-pleasing color scheme sparks the initial interest. But when you start to dig deeper, you notice a sticky menu that will be at customers’ sight all the time. You see the theme color customization tool (Theme Color Switcher) that slides out from the left when you click the relevant icon. Car Parts PrestaShop Theme is Responsive, Multlingual/ Multicurrency, which will definitely expand the customers’ reach. It is also supplied with TM Mega Layout, MegaMenu, Ajax Search, Blog, Product Badges and Quick View option. All of the above features are utterly important for great UX and high conversion rates of the eCommerce project.
The theme comes with the following modules: TM Category Products, TM Googlemap, TM Header account, TM Html Content, TM Listing Images, TM Media parallax, TM Mega Layout, TM Mega Menu, TM Newsletter, TM Products slider, TM Product videos, TM Related products, TM Search, and TM Social feeds, which make its customization simple and store potential really impressive.

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