Harmonious Print Store PrestaShop Theme #50887

Harmonious Print Store PrestaShop Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $139 NULLED

Add colors to this world with our buoyant template designed specifically for print stores. Its product photos, banners and other colorful design elements stand out against the white background. Exclusive items are beautifully featured in the slider. Apart from the main drop down menu, there is tabbed navigation in the content area, so the visitors will be able to view the new arrivals, popular products and bestsellers. Notwithstanding such amount of content, the author managed to save enough white space and room for customers to breathe. Bottom part of the template is neutral, which compensates the brightness of its top. Such harmony is very important for print stores as clients judge your taste by the appealing design of your website. So, this store has all chances to be loved by them.

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