Sports Store Free Shopify Template

Sports Store Shopify Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $0 NULLED

This template is a free sample of the premium Shopify theme #55233. It has absolutely similar structure and functional features. Be sure that our thoughtfully laid out Shopify Themes will help your online store surpass any competition. So, let’s get a closer look at this item. Timer on top of the page creates the atmosphere of urgency, which is good for conversion. The theme has extremely user-friendly navigation. Main drop down menu is supplied with images and tooltips. The products are categorized at the left sidebar, which considerably simplifies the search. Social media blocks are both on top and at the bottom of the page. Slider shows hot deals and special store offers. Banners are appealing and boost site usability, making the navigation more visual. Store products stand in three columns. They are also presented in a slider. Nice hover effects and tooltips make users’ experience more enjoyable and informative. Call-to-action buttons are icon-based. They are of trendy circular form. «Back to top» button is available at the right bottom corner of the page. Additional store links and information can be found at the footer.

Walk through the website pages, it’s better to check everything out yourself and then make your pick.

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