Travel Destinations Shopify Theme #50767

Travel Destinations Shopify Theme New Screenshots BIG

Price : $139 NULLED

Planning to spend vacation abroad, many tourists resort to travel bureaus. With their help, they can get thorough information about the best destinations, ways of transportation, accommodation, costs, and other important details. To promote services of travel agencies on the web, it’s worthwhile to take advantage of this theme. Displaying images of breathtaking sceneries in the header, slider, and featured sections, you’ll easily arouse people’s interest to visit one of the places shown there. Due to the combination of warm hues, vacationers will be filled with enthusiasm about using the services advertized on your platform. With yellow being a dominant color of this theme, the visitors will get a feeling that the sunshine will illuminate their trip, whether they are going to a ski or sea resort. Turning to this theme, travel agencies will allure every tourist eager to make the most of their journey.

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